You do receive quite a lot of advice as a cancer patient. Mostly this comes from people trying to be positive and sympathetic, and is very welcome. Sometimes the advice veers into unreality, notably with the story that so many people have about their granny who lived to ninety after being told they had only months to live, and who by the way carried on smoking two packets a day until they finally died.
Most of these conversations are about morale and support rather than anything practical. But there are recurring themes, and one of those is about staying active and continuing as much regular activity as possible. We usually receive this message not as advice but as admiration. Staying positive, though also realistic, has been a mantra which many have noticed and praised. And there is similar common ground about staying active. In general we agree with the attitude and try to follow it. But there are limits, because activity does entail risk.
At the beginning of this month we took our first trip out of Portugal since we arrived in October, attending a music holiday in Granada, Andalucia. As has often been the case historically, I sang as a member of the group while my wife came along as a non-singing participant. We have enjoyed these weeks roughly once per year since my first one in Rome in 2009, and we love them very much.
Musically, the week turned out very well. My voice has almost returned to its historical level, most of the time. The group was relatively strong and the direction and repertoire were excellent, and efficiently handled to make good use of everyone’s time.
The week demonstrated the value of staying busy and following established holidays, and I am grateful to the leadership and fellow choristers for letting me take part. But the week also reinforced the fact that most activity outside of normal parameters does carry some risk, for both me and for my wife.
Firstly, we had some trouble with our car on the journey, when it started to struggle to climb hills. We were happy to make it to Granada at all, and very relieved to learn the next day that the car was mechanically sound but merely lacked clean oil and other necessary liquids. The extra maintenance need for preparing journeys should probably have been made clearer to us when we bought the vehicle, but I guess that is predominantly our responsibility.
As usual in our new roles, the one who had to manage this mini-crisis was my wife. Instead of enjoying the magnificent city in peace, she spent many hours walking around looking for places and finding mechanics and negotiating, all quite stressful, even without the worry of the initial journey and fear of further issues on the drive home.
There was some inconvenience for me as well. Afet arriving in Granada, we ended up taking quite a lot of time waliking around, first for parking, then locating our Airbnb, and finally locating the meeting point for the opening group dinner. In former days I would have led all of this with ease, but now I found myself becoming tired and a little unsteady on the cobbles and eventually with unpleasant back pain. Luckily this discomfort only really persisted for the first night, but perhaps next time we will not be so lucky and hospitals might have to become involved. We were surely lucky in Granada, with its slippery streets and cobbles and late winter conditions and venues with awkward steps too.
The experience called to mind our trip to Europe last June. That was also a great pleasure in terms of music and family, but, it is now clear, did entail risk. I managed to pick up Covid on the way home and had quite an uncomfortable week. That precipitated a couple of difficult months with an operation, radiation and many side effects. I don’t believe that the Europe trip or its aftermath actually caused or worsened any of these problems, but I can’t rule that out.
It certainly feels true that bad things, and good things too, tend to arrive in bunches, and probably that is not solely due to coincidence. When we are vulnerable, more can go wrong, and probably more will.
It happens that another singing holiday is available in early June, this time in Italy at a venue we know well. Unlike Granada, once at the venue in Italy there is little reason to leave the hotel area. It is hilly and may involve some steps, but that all feels manageable. But I must remain cognisant of the risks, including those related to travelling by air, and take careful note of my state of health and vulnerability as the time for travel draws nearer.
Despite the need for some extra caution, we are generally managing to stay active, engaged and positive, and my wife is making new contacts and trying out new projects regularly, which makes me feel very happy. With dancing of many varieties and volunteering at a food bank to add to singing and church, her agenda is filling up nicely. As well as singing, there are also many activities we can still share together without taking inordinate risks. We walk on most days the weather suits, often quite long distances on the boardwalk, though I do get tired a bit more quickly than I used too. Then we have restaurant date nights once or twice per week, an activity offering many pleasures. We are optimistic that there will be visitors to entertain too.
I am more cautious than before, but that part of my routine does not often frustrate me. I am a little bit obsessed with the risk of trips and falls, having got this far with an unblemished record. I remember from the old folks home in New York how accidents often started a progression of declining health. A lot of those accidents occurred in the bathroom, so I take extra care when showering. I remind myself frequently that I do not need to subject myself to much extra inconvenience, and am lucky to have remained so capable for as long as I have. We believe that we also have extra help ready when we will need it.
The balance between staying active and positive on the one hand and avoiding reckless risks on the other is one that will continue to evolve. We face such trade-offs throughout our lives and there is always much to learn. We have short- and long-term goals to consider, both as a couple and individually. As usual, we have managed most of the challenges quite well so far, and in general we feel ready. But of course we are never really ready, and adaptation will remain high on the agenda.